Licence Agreement:

Copyright and Legal Information
Copyright (C) Mateusz Urbańczyk, Alexandra Shchukina, Dariusz Gołowicz, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk 2018
Date: May 6, 2018
TReNDS (Time-Resolved N-Dimensional NMR spectroscopy) is a free, user-friendly software kit for acquisition and processing of TR-NUS data. The program works on Bruker, Agilent and Magritek spectrometers, making it possible to carry out up to four experiments with an interleaved TR-NUS. It can be also used on data stations for spectral processing and data visualization.
The following is legal information pertaining to the use of the TReNDS program. It applies to all TReNDS source files, executable (binary) files, configuration and documentation files contained in the official TReNDS archives. (Certain portions refer to custom versions of the software, there are specific rules listed below for these versions also.) All of these are referred to here as "the software".
While the use TReNDS is essentially free of any costs for noncommercial purposes, commercial users and software developers, who wish to bundle TReNDS with other software, will be asked for support of the research and development of TReNDS. For commercial purposes of TReNDS please contact the copyright holders. Permission is granted to use the TReNDS program and all associated files in this package for making calculations. Use of the software for academic and educational purposes is free. The user retains all rights to the results and may use them for any noncommercial purpose. The following legal information exclusively concerns distribution and use of the software for noncommercial purposes.
When results obtained by TReNDS are used in lectures, publications or other similar occasions, then a reference to the authors and at least one of the following papers is to be made:
(1) Urbańczyk M, Shchukina A, Gołowicz D, Kazimierczuk K. TReNDS ‐ software for reaction monitoring with time‐resolved non‐uniform sampling. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2018.

This software package and all of the files in this archive are copyrighted by the authors, which are represented by dr Mateusz Urbańczyk for distribution, copyright and other legal issues (MU). The software may only be distributed and/or modified according to the guidelines listed below. The spirit of the guidelines below is to provide the TReNDS package freely to as many users as possible, prevent TReNDS users and developers from being taken advantage of, enhance the life quality of those who come in contact with TReNDS. This legal document was created so these goals could be realized. You are legally bound to follow these rules, but we hope you will follow them as a matter of ethics, rather than fear of litigation.
No portion of this package may be separated from the package and distributed separately other than under the conditions specified in the guidelines below. This package may only be bundled in other software packages with the explicit permission of the copyright holders. This package may only be posted in the Internet and/or included in software compilations using media such as, but not limited to, floppy disk, CD-ROM, tape backup, optical disks, hard disks, or memory cards with the explicit permission of the copyright holders.
With a separate agreement a user may be granted the privilege to modify and compile the source for their own use in any fashion they see fit. What you do with the software in your home or lab is your business, however, in such cases the activity is usually limited by the agreement or defined by the collaborative project. If the user wishes to distribute a modified version of the software, documentation or other parts of the package (here after referred to as a "custom version") they must follow the guidelines listed below. These guidelines have been established to promote the growth of TReNDS and prevent difficulties for users and developers alike. Please follow them carefully for the benefit of all concerned when creating a custom version. You may not incorporate any portion of the TReNDS source code in any software other than a custom version of TReNDS without the explicit permission of the copyright holders. However authors who contribute source to TReNDS may still retain all rights to use their contributed code for any purpose as described below. The user is encouraged to send enhancements and bug fixes to the TReNDS authors, but the authors are in no way required to utilize these enhancements or fixes. By sending material to the authors, the contributor asserts that he owns the materials or has the right to distribute these materials. He authorizes the TReNDS authors to use the materials any way they like. The contributor still retains rights to the donated material, but by donating you grant equal rights to the TReNDS authors. The TReNDS authors don't have to use the material, but if we do, you do not acquire any rights related to TReNDS. We will give you credit if applicable.
The permission to distribute compiled custom version of the software may be granted in advance with specific permission from MU. Typical conditions include but not limited to following conditions are met. These conditions also apply to custom documentation based on our files. - Mark your version clearly on all modified files stating this to be a modified and unofficial version. - Make all of your modifications to TReNDS freely and publicly available. - Include clear and obvious information on how to obtain the official TReNDS. - Include contact and support information for your version. - Include all credits and credit screens for the official version. - Include a copy of this document. The TReNDS authors are not obligated to provide you or your users any technical support.
All requests to acquire the software should be sent to MU, who normally distributes the software on behalf of all co-authors. The permission to distribute this package under certain very specific conditions is granted in advance to other persons or organizations, provided that the above and following conditions are met. The software archives must not be renamed or re-archived using a different method without the explicit permission of the authors. The full software package, as described in the next section, must always be distributed. All forms of commercial and non-profit distribution are only allowed with explicit permission of the copyright holders represented by MU. Clear reference to the copyright holders (at least to MU) must be present in any description/synopsis of software. The copyright holders reserve the right to withdraw distribution privileges from any group, individual, or organization for any reason.
DEFINITION OF "TReNDS PACKAGE" TReNDS is distributed as a number of archive containing executables, installation scripts, examples, and documentation. TReNDS is officially distributed for PC (LINUX and Windows 10 Fall Creators Update or later) and macOS ( macOS 10.12 and later) . Other systems may be added in the future. Distributors may support different platforms but for each platform they support the full package must be distributed.
This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty. Although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the package. The authors are under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades to this package.
[End of Legal Information]

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